List some reasons why an artist would need to use observation when making artwork.
This piece above is my Artists Observe piece. I sketched a picture of my friends but made the final product without a face and in stippling. In the beginning of the year, I said that artists observe because they need a basis for their artwork. Now at the end of the year, I have more reasons as to why artists observe. These reasons include, artists not being able to create a piece of artwork from memory, having an assignment be "Artists Observe" like mine, which is why I created the above piece and a few other reasons. Overall, I like how my piece turned out and I am glad that my thoughts expanded from the beginning to the end of the year because it shows that I learned more throughout the Art 3 course.
Is copying always plagiarism or is there a gray area? Explain your thoughts.
The above piece of artwork is a drawing of Jerry from the cartoon series "Tom and Jerry." However, Jerry the mouse is a Patriot with clothes representing the USA. My ideas from the beginning to the end of the year stayed relatively the same because I said during both times that there is a gray area if the piece of artwork is modified. For example, I traced the picture of Jerry but instead of making him a normal, brown, plain mouse, I transformed him into a Patriot by wearing clothes that represent the USA. This is not plagiarism because I have ultimately created a whole piece of Jerry. Overall, my thoughts about this question stayed the same but I am glad that I Art 3 has allowed me to understand the purpose of a "gray area."
What is artistic style? List as many as you can.
The piece of artwork above is a painting of Winnie the Pooh that I made for the Artists Inspire project. My thoughts about this question changed drastically from the beginning to the end of the year. In the beginning of the year I said that artistic style is a common theme throughout multiple pieces of artwork. My examples included, color, strokes and theme/moral. At the end of the year I said that artistic style is the extension of one's inspiration using different mediums. My examples included, gothic, realism, landscapes, still-life, mixed media and scientific. Overall, my thoughts at the end of the year were much more extensive and detailed than what I wrote down at the beginning of the year which shows my growth as an artist. The piece above represents mixed media because I painted Winnie the Pooh on a regular piece of paper, glued him to newspaper and finally matted him to a piece of black construction paper.
What is the point of this class? What do you think you'll get out of it?
Above, you will see a painting of my name made from college logos. This is one of my favorite projects because not only do I love the final product, but I feel that it represents my personality well. At the beginning of the year I said that the point of this class to increase my ability to make art. In addition, I would be able to get out of it a good preparation for Art 4 and AP art and be able to enhance my level of creativity. At the end of the year, I said that the purpose of this class to understand the different concepts of art and learn how to express oneself through art. In addition, I said that I will get out this class different methods to get out of my comfort zone and even learn to make art on a bigger scale. I feel that I accomplished this project well because I painted the final product on a larger scale and represented my personality accurately.
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